The Cup of Christ (or, Beach Football)!!!

As rivalries go, this one has been a lifetime in the making.

Literally, brother vs. brother.

As every chapter is written, with each victory and mirroring defeat, both sides live or die, rise or fall, smile or cry with one another in mind.

What was once a healthy competition, has evolved into an all-consuming disease. Neither side will ever truly satisfy their lust for victory or quench their ultimate thirst for domination. But they must continue to return, if only to deny their opponent even a minor moment of enjoyment.

And so it was this year in the annual battle for the legendary Beach Party Cup. For those of you who don’t know about it–fuck off. For the rest of you out there, read ’em and weep Gray Team.

Not only will we continue to drink from the sacred plastic gold chalice all year long, but you will never taste the goodness of a frothy beverage from its confines again! The Red Team rules! Beach Party ’08 Champs!

Box score:

Grayland Beach Bowl ‘08

Red Shirts 4, Gray Shirts 3 (3OT)
Gray 0 1 2 0 0 0 0— 3
Red 0 0 0 3 0 0 1— 4
Second Quarter
Gray—Parker 10 pass from Pollock.
Third Quarter
Gray—T. Smith 15 pass from Pollock.
Gray—Beck 5 pass from T. Smith.
Fourth Quarter
Red—J. Turnbull 15 pass from T. Turnbull.
Red—J. Turnbull 12 pass from T. Turnbull.
Red—J. Turnbull 8 pass from T. Turnbull.
Third Overtime
Red—Aguilera 7 pass from T. Turnbull.

4 responses to “The Cup of Christ (or, Beach Football)!!!

  1. Whoo-hoo, Red Team! We rule the Grayland beaches!!!
    The best part about this post is the categories. Perfect!

  2. Kenny I congratulate you on a victory. I wish I could have made it because there is no way you would have that trophy right now. See you next year buddy! Remember never underestimate a fat man.

  3. I give it up to the Red Shirts. It was a great victory. I look forward to next year and our redemption. Enjoy this year and drink from the cup. You all earned it. I’ll be back next year, you can count on that. I’ll be there to help you get over yourselves. You all cut me deep. No doubt my hate will die with you.

  4. get some diversity in there. all I see are cracker faces. go back to europe whitey

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